A FEW of the titles on the list include: 911: Ten Years Later, by David Ray Griffin The Path Between the Seas, by David McCullough The Great Archimedes, by Mario…
As Interpreted by cleangov May 21, 2019 When it becomes necessary for a people to separate themselves from a government, and to declare themselves to be a free nation, with…
Summarized by cleangov Compulsory Education is the norm now. Everybody goes to school for a long time, even the kids who don’t want to…
Summarized by cleangov Senator J. William Fulbright: Self-government by the people is not likely. The history of the past 150 years demonstrates that the ideals put forth by…
Summarized by cleangov Introduction: [As much as possible I’m going to write this summary without using the unusual, complicated names of chemicals, diseases, and various processes and reactions, which…
Summarized by cleangov Introduction: This book is about five huge multinational companies, Cargill, Continental, Louis Dreyfus, Bunge, and André, which are privately-owned by a total of seven families. [At the…
Summarized by cleangov Introduction: The author was a member of the Uniformed Division of the Secret Service and his post was outside the Oval Office, on guard. He…
Summarized by Cleangov The individual does not have an obligation to obey the State unless the individual has consented to grant that power to the State. The individual especially…
Summarized by Rosie the Riveter Historical and Biographical Note: The pamphlet Common Sense was written by Thomas Paine in 1775 and first published in Philadelphia on January 9, 1776. …
Summarized by cleangov What the State Is Not: The State is not a social service organization. The State is not necessary for achieving the goals of mankind. The State…