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The Underground History of American Education by John Taylor Gatto

Summarized by cleangov

            Compulsory Education is the norm now.  Everybody goes to school for a long time, even the kids who don’t want to go to school.


            Kids can’t work.  Child labor laws make it difficult for a kid to begin to make his or her own way in the world, and begin to be self-sufficient.


            People should be kids as long as possible.  No purpose.  No responsibilities.


            Religion in school is not just illegal; it’s invalidated.


            The sabotage of our schools was financed by Carnegie, Rockefeller, and Ford.


            Scientific-sounding racism depends on Darwin and Galton for the holy grail to capture the imagination.


            Wives have to work today.  Purchasing power of a working couple in 1995 was only 8% greater than for a working man in 1905.  Wealth is 250% more concentrated at century’s end than at its beginning.

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