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This is a site where volunteers do most of the work of reading, summarizing, translating, and recording audio versions of book summaries.

No money in it, at least at the beginning.

If “customers” end up buying any of the books from Amazon, we get a very small commission for each sale.  Those proceeds will be split among the people who have done the summaries, according to how many views a particular summarizer receives for his or her summaries.

Similarly for proceeds from any ads we may attract. Any income from paying ads will be apportioned amongst summarizers as above.

So, if you like the idea of making it easy for a lot of people to come up to speed on a lot of important ideas, join in.

The hope is that by reading these summaries, and the books they are derived from, more and more people find out how the world really works and find ways they can do something to help their community, their country, their world.

If we are really successful, and get lots of translations done, then it is also the fond hope that the ideas in these books will find their way into the minds of people in distant lands.

And once they take root there, who knows what will grow?

Ideas are the only things that can make it past walls, barbed wire, tanks, oceans, censorship, internet shutdowns, you name it, ideas can find a way through or around.

And people with ideas are dangerous.

Which is proven by how much effort governments and the media make to give their people false ideas and bury true, vital ideas beneath mountains of useless drivel.

Join in.