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Clinton Cash by Peter Schweizer

Summarized by cleangov

[If we lived in a country with an ethical government, the Justice Department would have long since put a stop to activities like those described in this book.  Bill and Hillary Clinton and many of their close associates, and many of the wealthy people who donated money to various Clinton causes, would be serving long prison sentences.

The actions and policies of our government would be saner and would be productive of improved conditions at home and abroad.

The US taxpayer would have kept more money in his pocket, to spend on projects he thought were worthwhile.

But, that’s not the case.  We do not have an ethical government, so books like this are needed, so that the electorate, or at least enough of them, can wise up to the huge crimes being committed by people in positions of trust, and can rise up and vote the rascals out.  This summary is an effort to present in a succinct form many of the fascinating facts connected with the Clintons and their solicitation of huge payments of money to their Clinton Foundation and other organizations of benefit to the Clintons, (or huge speaking fees paid to Bill Clinton by wealthy individuals, corporations, and foreign individuals or countries), in apparent exchange for favorable laws or rulings or policy decisions made by Hillary, or greatly influenced by Hillary, (or favorable introductions of Bill’s business pals), when she was Senator from New York, and then Secretary of State.

As Peter Schweizer says in a couple places in his book, given that he is only an investigative journalist, with very limited investigatory powers, the data presented here is not (usually) sufficient to convict anyone of a crime in a court of law.  Bill and Hillary are both trained in the law and have been very careful to arrange things so that direct cause and effect between money received and favors given is hard to prove.  Nevertheless, this is not a court of law, and people are free to learn what facts are publicly available, like in this book, and can make up their own minds.  If people not connected to Obama or the Clintons are placed in power in our government, then it is possible that the things brought to light in this book could be properly investigated by the FBI and other parts of the government, and hopefully convictions could be obtained and these people and many of their cronies could be placed in prison, to enjoy the many benefits of our penal system. …

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